Name: Improving STEM Teaching Process using Digital Transformation (DigSTEM)
Call: Visegrad+ Grants
Project webpage: https://digstem.pr.ac.rs/
Consortium members:
- University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica – coordinator
- Obuda University
- Lublin University of Technology
- University of Zilina
- Universum College
Duration: 13 months (01/09/2023 – 30/09/2024)
Goal of the project is to improve the application of digital technologies STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) in the educational process of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Western Balkan (WB) through the exchange of experiences between HEIs from WB and the V4 region (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia). The project will refer to the teaching processes in subjects covering STEM.
The specific goals of the project are:
- Exchange of experience and practice in the application of digital transformation in higher education through joint webinars and workshops,
- Improvement of digital competences of teaching, non-teaching staff and students,
- Creation of a joint publication that includes guidelines and instructions for the application of digital transformation in higher education for STEM subjects.
The goal of the project is to develop methodological approaches in the application of STEM in higher education through the STEM concept, which includes the principle of 4K: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Communication – qualities that form the basis of education for the 21st century. It encourages multidisciplinary through learning from real examples. Students practice working together on projects, which develops team spirit and the ability to collaborate in solving problems.
Activities like training and a webinar will provide potential solutions in the improvement and application of STEM in higher education. At the training and webinar, the partner institutions from the V4 group will present the best models, experiences and good practices in their teaching processes, as well as proposals to implement these practices in the teaching process of HEIs in the WB. Based on the conclusions and the webinar, a publication will be created – a manual for the implementation of STEM in the teaching process of HEIs. The publication will be created by the joint work of HIEs from the V4 group and WB. In addition to the methodological approach, a special emphasis in the publication will be on laboratory exercises and the application of hardware and software in their implementation. Carefully designed laboratory exercises and a space that supports flexibility and teamwork, state-of-the-art technical equipment and highly dedicated teachers will make the student get to know the STEM concept in the right way and adopt it as the foundation of his education, which will help to achieve positive results and progress.