Name: Western Balkan entrepreneurial university alliances– keeping in touch for lifelong relations AL4LIFE
Project webpage: www.al4life.ucg.ac.me
Consortium members:
• University of Montenegro – coordinator
• University Donja Gorica
• University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica
• International Business College Mitrovica
• University of Bologna
• Autonomous University of Madrid
• University of Ljubljana
Duration: 3 years (March. 2023 – March. 2026)
General objective:
To enhance the competencies of students and employability of graduates in Montenegro and Kosovo, through enhancing the cooperation of HEIs with business
sector and modifying the teaching process, with the support of alumni.
Specific objectives:
-Involving the alumni in education and research processes and in operational activities in HEIs, upon establishing/adapting the institutional framework for their engagement and creating a brand of alumni.
-Improvement of study programs and teaching process/methods by increase of practical teaching and training during studies, as well as of entrepreneurial education, for the purpose of better matching with the needs of the labour market.
– Establishing and strengthening the connections and cooperation of HEIs and their students with the business sector.
– Enhancing professional and personal skills of students in order to facilitate their connection with employers, personal presentations and recruitment.
– Enhanced research potential and increased commercialization of research activities of HEIs.
Представици универзитета из Европске уније у радној посети нашем универзитету у оквиру имплементације Еразмус+ пројекта AL4LIFE
Радна посета Универзитету у Болоњи у оквиру Еразмус+ пројекта AL4LIFE
Радна посета Универзитету у Љубљани у оквиру Еразмус+ пројекта AL4LIFE
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